

Yes, I confess! I'm a huge Javier Bardem fan. In my opinion, he is one of the best actors there is right now. I mainly respect his sobriety: he is just a plain, simple man who became a humble, worldwide known actor. He doesn't seek attention nor does he imposes values. I always tend to link this sobriety to his spanish background. That is, during my Erasmus time in Madrid, I got to know the spanish people as welcoming, down to earth and honest. 

Now, imagine this:
One the one hand side, you have this beautiful, extremely skilled and spanish speaking actor. On the other hand, you have one of the strangest but most competent directors of the 21st century. How could this go wrong? :)

Alejandro Ganzález Iñárritu, known as the director of Amorres Perros and Babel, has - finally - made a new movie called: 'Biutiful'. Although I'm not a big fan of Iñarritus rough way of filming, his movies have always left me deeply impressed.  He caresses - although not always subtle - the problems of our western society by putting mainly, sad and marginal people in the spotlight. Therefore, 'Biutiful' promises to be a shocking as well as impressive movie. And hey we always have Javier to watch :).

X, Saar


  1. Hmm, ik ken hem eigenlijk niet! Maar ik moet toegeven dat ik de laatste tijd niet echt bezig ben met de filmwereld, in tegendeel zelfs.. Maar hij is wel knap, hahaa, dat is ook al wat ;)

  2. Ik ben wel een fan van em maar ik vind zijn looks wat overrated, zeker na no country for old men te hebben gezien :-D

    Babel heb ik nog niet gezien, maar Amorres Perros vond ik persoonlijk toch een beetje een Tarantino a la espagnol ripoff, dus ZO enthousiast ben ik nog niet over de regisseur :D

  3. i like so much javier bardem as well. i watched this movie maybe one month ago- i could not stop crying- really!!so do take a fuuull packet of tissues with you!

  4. i read a lot of your posts in a few minutes!i like your style and please let us know how the camping trip this year will go- i love camping but i ve never even camped outside the borders of my country! :D
    ps)i m following too!

  5. hi! thank you so much for stopping by and posting a comment on my blog :) i really appreciate it :)♥

    was he the guy on EAT.PRAY.LOVE??

