
Norwegian dreaming

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but my internship has been hectic. Thereby, my camera is defect and in store for reparation - real bummer. But I also have some exciting news to share: as off october 2011 I will be working in Oslo, Norways capital. Since our trip to Scandinavia last year I've been longing to go back, so you can imagine how happy I am :). I will be at least working there for one year. So, if I have any norwegian readers: all suggestions are very welcome!
What are your plans?
X, Sarah


Greek compilation

1. Cliché holiday pic: acting silly with the brother.
2. I love my new - yes they are very much fake - Raybans. 
3. Greek sunset.
4. A building in the ancient garden of Poseidon. (I think :))
5. Greek salad, melts, fried squid and Retsina #nomnom.
6. Delicious daiquiri for only 4 euro.
7. Figues hanging everywhere in Athens. Still a bit too green though.
8. Friday night = party night also for this 'trolls'.


Dress me up.

 Dress: Bellerose, Bag: Fred de la Bretonière, Bracelets & ring: Greece, Raybans

This definitely is one of my favourite dresses. It goes with everything and it makes me feel good :). I started my internship today and I must say that I am already knackered. I got to interview Pierre Marcolini and tomorrow we'll start with the summer fashion edition. When all goes well the interview will be published this weekend. Right now It all feels a bit surreal to me.

X, Sarah.